Ednah Walters – YA Paranormal Extraordinaire

I have recently discovered a new series which has literally taken my breath away.  What first pulled me in was the cover art (which is spectacular) and the fact that the first book in the series is free on Amazon Kindle – a bonus, so you can make up your mind fully about your like or dislike of a series before committing to the other books that follow.


The book series revolves around RAINE (teenage girl living with her mum), her Nordic boyfriend (and former neighbour) EIRIK, and her new and mysterious neighbour, TORIN, who has moved into Eirik’s old house.

Throughout the first book, you must figure out if Torin is good or evil, if Eirik knows about Torin’s powers, and what really happened to Raine’s father.  Norse mythology is used heavily in this book, with Raine having to do a whole lot of investigating of her own regarding the runes that keep appearing in the strangest of places.

I have to say, this is one of the best YA Paranormal series that I have ever read and it is one that can be read again and again.


Click the book above, if you want to take advantage of Ednah Walters’ FREE book on Amazon Kindle.  By the time you finish, you will be begging for more!

Happy reading! 🙂

– Rosie xx